Do you love a good drink? Fed up with the standard pints and glasses of Rose, then cocktails are for you! It might seem like alchemy, and in many ways, it absolutely is! Read on for our primer on the mixology and how to experience it first-hand at Bad Bobs! 

In this guide, we’ll uncover all the common questions that come with cocktail mixology, some recipes you can check out, and more. 

What is mixology?

Mixology is the art of crafting cocktails by combining different ingredients like spirits, mixers, and garnishes in more creative ways than the norm. 

To do it right, It involves understanding the flavours and properties of each component to create a drink that is well-balanced and looks good. 

For mixologists, this can involve lots of techniques, tools, and pushing the boundaries to find new memorable drinks.

What is mixology in bartending?

You will know yourself, bartenders who excel in mixology are the ones you always remember (no matter how many of their drinks you have). 

Mixology in bartending goes beyond the simple act of pouring drinks; you’re paid to experiment and master your craft of making unique and delicious beverages that will keep customers coming back for more. 

When you explore different areas of the world, you’ll find different mixologists who have their own twist on cocktails, some even using local ingredients – it truly is an art! At Bad Bobs we have our very own expert mixologists working away to create our delicious cocktails.

What are some mixology cocktail recipes?

So you want to give it a bash? Don’t expect to be crazily good at it straight away, and definitely don’t be playing with fire. Some good cocktails to get started on are:

  • Espresso Martini is a blend of vodka, coffee liqueur, and freshly brewed espresso.
  • Bramble is a British favourite, combining gin, lemon juice, sugar syrup, and blackberry liqueur.
  • French 75 is a sparkling choice made with gin, lemon juice, sugar, and Champagne.
  • The Negroni is a bold mix of gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth, garnished with an orange twist.

Give some a go, and be sure to share results on social media or with your friends!

How to get into mixology

If you’re keen on learning mixology, start by exploring the basic cocktail recipes above and experimenting with new techniques.

Get familiar with different spirits, mixers, and garnishes (even if you don’t like them yourself) to understand flavour profiles. Get people to test them! Having multiple sets of taste buds always helps make sure you’re not being biased.

How to learn mixology

It’s 2024, and there are a million online tutorials and in-person classes to help get you started. So do your research and don’t be afraid to stop into bars and express your interest. Enrolling in a mixology course either online or at a local bartending school is always a good shout!

Experience Mixology First-Hand At Bad Bobs

Whether you’re looking to learn mixology for yourself, or perhaps you’re just interested in other people doing it. Either way, booking a night in Bad Bobs Dublin is always a good idea, with or without friends and family. We’ll always make sure you are welcome!

Order yourself a drink from the best cocktail bar in Dublin, and don’t hesitate to ask how they make it. Our staff are constantly whipping up new ideas for flavour experiences and will happily demonstrate it to you.

If you fancy yourself a Cocktail conisuerr, then why not stop in at our sister bar, 4 Dame Lane, for a pre-Bad Bobs tipple? They’ve just revamped their cocktail menu and its a not to be missed!

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